Monday, July 26, 2010

WOW - I won!

Check it out - I won the challenge!  

Pro Photo Business Forum

Family Fun with the Argiro's...

We survived the summer heat with the beautiful Argiro Family...

I am always up for a challenge...

I have never considered myself a competitive person.  I've been told by my friends and family that I am, but I don't see it as clearly from my point of view.  Lately though, I've noticed that I have been "up for the challenge."  First, I've been running a lot.  About 6 months ago, I successfully completed a self imposed challenge to run every day for an hour for 365 consecutive days.  It was super hard but I did it and I am still running... just about every day.  Now, I am spicing it up a little by running with some serious running people.  Some of my friends are hard core runners.  I would have never dreamed I could keep up with their running level but I am putting myself out there and tagging along for the ride (and doing ok!).
How does this crossover into my business?  Well, I have been challenged by one of my dearest friends to step up my photography game.  My friend Michelle recently started a photography business with her Dad, Ellis Cline.  They are doing great!  Michelle is learning everything she can about photography and about how to run a successful small business.  I did the same thing when I started my photography business in 2004.  Mine has been a wonderful business and very successful.  But, watching her learn and grow has inspired me to get out of my comfort zone and GET BETTER!  I have been in a self imposed quiet phase.  The kids have kept me busy with all of their activities (that I don't want to miss) and it has been nice to take a break.  But, I am excited to get back into the swing of things and I look forward to a busy fall. 

So, the current challenge (inspired by my friend Michelle) is to complete this week's assignment from the Pro Photo Business Forum.

This Week’s Assignment:
Subject Isolation With A Shallow Depth Of Field.
As photographers we are storytellers.  Our job is to provide elegant tools for our customers to tell their stories.  One way we can create a more elegant and polished story, and further define ourselves as professionals, is through the use of a shallow depth of field.  A shallow depth of field is a tool a photographer can use to draw the viewer’s gaze to a certain area in a finished portrait, making it more clear was to what the photograph is trying to convey.This week, your assignment is “Shallow Depth Of Field”.  Tell a story, and make the subject of your story more clear through the use of a shallow depth of field.

Here is my story, perfect for summertime fun...

I have always used shallow depth of field to blur the background behind my subjects.  Now, I will try using it to focus on things that are important or fun while blurring my subjects - we'll see what happens!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Reed Girls...

Banita and I had so much fun laying out this canvas of Kennedy and Kayce.  What beautiful girls!

Kayce and Kennedy were a joy to work with...

The Chavies Family

Amy and Jeff wanted something a little more photojournalistic. I love the results!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Some more then and nows...

I loooove (as my Robbie would say) repeat customers. Take a look at some of my favorite "then and nows..."

Abby Grace...

Preston and Lawson

The Brang Brothers...

The Munyons...




Baby Samuel...

and Kate...

There are so many more, but this is a lot of work!! Here is to many more repeat customers!!

Farewell to The Martins

I have had the pleasure of knowing and photographing one of the nicest families in town for the past six years. Our eldest sons were best friends in preschool at United Methodist. Now, they compete against each other on the soccer field! I have enjoyed watching the Martin Family grow over the last six years... take a look...
...this was then...

look at them now!

Here are some more favorites ~

The Martins are moving to St. Louis but I know we'll keep in touch!